Why is it so hard to change our bad habits?
Not being able to change doesn’t mean you’re weak, stubborn, or lazy. Whatever it is that you resolved to do (or stop doing) in the past, there’s no doubt you meant it. So, what’s been standing in your way?
Your mind has a hidden agenda of its own to maintain the status quo. It is likely to reject anything that it perceives as new, unsettling, or potentially uncomfortable. This inherent resistance protects you from the negative disruption that sudden change can bring.
Unfortunately, this built-in defense mechanism can often sabotage positive change in your life as well.
Most people don’t realize the importance of their thought life and the impact it has on their body and emotions. Your body does what your mind tells it to do. Your mind controls your actions.
So you won’t be able to change your behavior without changing your mind.
If you want to successfully change your behavior, one of the best things you can do is to monitor your thought life and adjust your thinking. But you must be willing to look at your entrenched patterns of belief through a fresh lens. You need to become deliberate in your decision to monitor your thoughts and the assumptions you have been making.
We used to believe our brains couldn’t be changed. Now we believe they can – if we want it enough.
Neuroplasticity allows you to change your life and make happiness a reality. You can go from being a victim to a victor.
Even a casual search on Google will show a curious browser that neuroplasticity is a “magical” scientific discovery that shows that our brains are not hard-wired like computers, as was once thought, but are rather more like “play-doh.” This means that our thoughts can change the structure and function of our brains and that by doing certain exercises we can actually change our brain’s strength, size and density. Neuroplasticity means we can become better salespeople, better athletes, or better leaders. It doesn’t even have to be difficult.
Renewing your mind is the process of changing the way your mind operates. In my FREE Renew Your Mind workbook, I have combined the latest advancements of cognitive neuroscience and behavior modification to help you uncover what’s been holding you back.
I show you how to break through cognitive barriers and provide the secret to making changes that stick.
Most people don’t know where to start on their own. It’s not clear to them what they should do differently or how to create the change they desire. The FREE Renew Your Mind workbook is designed to help you create positive and sustainable change in your life.
The simple 5-step program promises to transform you from the inside out.