When things don’t work out the way we expect, or in the timing we had hoped for…we start to have questions and doubts. Did I really hear God correctly? Am I on the right path? Why is everyone else enjoying success and not me?
Repeated rejection or failure makes you want to hide and not put yourself out there again. You may even wish people would stop asking you how it’s going!
There will be times that you’re tempted to think God has deserted you, let you down, or failed to come through for you. You may be waiting for a first child and the treatments aren’t working. Maybe you’re waiting for the right person to spend the rest of your life with. You may be waiting for a positive report from the doctor. Or you might be waiting for that perfect job, great opportunity, or promotion at work.
Practicing faith does not mean that you will always get the outcomes you want right away. He doesn’t promise an easy, perfect, or pleasant journey through life. But when God tells you to do something, you’ve got to stick with it no matter how long takes to see results.
Waiting Patiently is Hard Work!
Unfortunately, waiting is the difficult part! As the days turn into weeks and months, it’s easy to get discouraged. It’s tempting to wallow in the “why.” But remember how long Joseph waited in prison before his big promotion. Think how long Noah was building the ark before the rains came. Remember how long Abraham waited for a son. Think about how long the Israelites wandered in the desert before gettinginto the Promised Land.
So what is He teaching you while you’re waiting? While you’re struggling? I know He is teaching me how to handle rejection…to accept criticism…to deal with fear. He is making me humble and patient. He is teaching me to persevere. He is building my character. These are all necessary before He can give me anything more! If I am found faithful with a few small things, then He will enlarge my territory.
As difficult as it is, waiting is often God’s preparation for a great mission. And it is never wasted time! God is the Master Builder – and the best buildings (the ones that stand the test of time) require firm foundations. He take His time shaping precious vessels on the Potter’s wheel. He slowly transforms the caterpillar into a butterfly in ways that can’t be seen. He carefully tends the soil so that newlyplanted seeds can sprout successfully.
Because so many people struggle with waiting, I wanted to provide this FREE resource: Beatitudes of Bold Faith. In the free pdf download, I share strategies to maintain your faith in the midst of failure. You will learn how to wait patiently for God’s plan to unfold in your life. When all you see are obstacles, you can strengthen your faith with these precious promises.
How to Get Your Copy
You can get a free copy of the Beatitudes of Bold Faith by clicking the button below.
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As a servant ofThe Lord Yeshua with The Holy Spirit, and being a born again believer and trust to His Word as Hesaidifyouhear my voice today, harden not your heart.
So I just follow God’s Word and The guidance of The Holy Spirit Amen.
Not that of any mans words or man’s interpretation.