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Are you a talented up-and-comer, A-lister, on the fast track to the top?

Unfortunately, the Corporate Leadership Council found that less than a third of high potential individuals actually succeed.1  

The rest derail.

What is a Leadership Derailer?

The “derailment” metaphor is that of a train coming off the tracks.  Derailment is an unexpected—and involuntary—stall on a leader’s career path.  It can occur when a leader plateaus in his or her current role due to a significant flaw or weakness. That weakness gets in the way of their progress and leads to their downfall.

A leadership derailer is more than just a minor weakness. You have a number of weaknesses that you may never need to master or improve, but a derailer requires immediate attention if you want to realize your full potential. In other words, it can become a “fatal flaw” if not corrected.

Are You at Risk?

With so many careers expected to derail at some point, two questions arise:

1. What are the most common derailers?

2. Can those derailers be avoided?

I believe it’s possible to recognize the warning signs before high-potential leaders get off track. With early detection, your own derailment risk can be addressed so that your career stays on track.

As a leadership coach, I have worked with hundreds of clients from a wide variety of organizations. As a result of this experience, I’ve had the opportunity to gain insight into why some people move up quickly and easily in their careers, while others derail, never reaching their full potential.

I’ve put together a FREE resource guide that shares some of the most common mistakes I see potential leaders making at work – mistakes which undermine their performance and prevent them from leading at the highest level.

This guide contains 15 of the most common mistakes that potential leaders make at work. Keep in mind, most people don’t make all 15 mistakes – but many do make more than one. I’ve found that the more mistakes you make, the less likely you are to achieve your full career potential.

How to Get Your FREE Copy

You can get a free copy of The 15 Devastating Leadership Derailers by clicking the button below.

1Corporate Leadership Council (2005). Realizing the full potential of rising talent. Washington, DC: Corporate Executive Board.


I believe you have untapped potential within you. How much farther can you go? How much more impact could you have?

Yes, there are obstacles in your path. Barriers to advancement can be a good thing – they ensure only the best rise to the top. But I can give you the tools you need to overcome those barriers.

Getting promoted to higher levels of leadership (and thriving there) requires navigating 4 very specific transitions, or shifts, necessary for success. The Leadershifts coaching intensive describes each of those transitions in detail and shows you how to master them.

The dozens of tiny moving parts around making these 4 critical shifts has become the “Achilles heel” of many a high-potential leader. You, on the other hand, will have access to a revolutionary road map to success. In this coaching intensive, you’ll discover how to:

  • make 4 specific transitions, or shifts, needed to succeed at higher levels of leadership
  • raise your awareness to eliminate self-defeating patterns of behavior
  • communicate with confidence
  • maintain your composure when things go wrong at work
  • create an optimistic and inspiring vision that moves people forward
  • build trust with a stronger, more supportive network of sponsors and mentors
  • increase your leadership agility so you can adapt your behavior to fit new job requirements


Dr. Stefani Yorges

I am a psychologist and professional leadership coach. I partner with people who want to rise to their full potential so they can have an increasingly greater impact on others.

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