Emotional intelligence, or emotional quotient (EQ), has become a very popular topic in leadership development. Today, great leaders must offer more than traditional intelligence and technical skills. Decades of research now point to emotional intelligence as the critical factor that sets star performers apart from the rest of the pack.
Compared to 33 other skills, EQ was found to be the strongest predictor of performance. It explained 58% of success in all types of jobs (TalentSmart), making it a more accurate predictor of workplace success than IQ.
Nearly 3,000 scientific articles have been published on EQ since the concept was first introduced in 1990. That research has demonstrated that a high EQ boosts career success, entrepreneurial potential, leadership talent, health, relationship satisfaction, and happiness. It matters in every job — because all jobs involve dealing with people, and people with high EQ are more rewarding to deal with.